Become a WEASA 2024 Alumni Group Facilitator!

What does a group facilitator do?

This year, like last three years, we will engage our alumni even more during the WEASA edition. We are seeking 4 WEASA Alumni to take an active leadership role this year to help manage and facilitate a group of participants. WEASA 2024 will take place on July 1-10 2024

Each facilitator will manage a group of eight WEASA 2024 participants. Not only will they be able to moderate discussions and workshops but also engage in dialogue with their participants, identify issues that come up in discussions and encourage participants to stay actively involved. They will also help debrief the participants at the end of the WEASA 2024 edition and provide the feedback to the organizers. After the selection there will be an online training with the group facilitators and a briefing in Natolin before the start of the summer academy. More details will follow soon.

What does a group facilitator get?

The facilitators will be invited to the WEASA 2024 edition at the College of Europe in Natolin – Warsaw Poland – for the entire WEASA event (July 1-10). Costs of travel, accommodation and food will be covered. Facilitators will also receive a special certificate for their outstanding work with WEASA. We encourage all interested alumni, whose professional activities are related to Euro-Atlantic integration, to apply to become a group facilitator for the 2024 edition.

Apply via the Communications Platform by logging in at The deadline is April 30!

WEASA organizers reimburse facilitators’ travel costs for travel for up to 500 euro.

For any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us via email.