
WEASA Peer-to-Peer Professional Meetings

We are pleased to announce that we are launching a new initiative for our alumni members։ the WEASA peer-to-peer meetings!  Aim  The aim of the initiative is to satisfy the requests and recommendations of our alumni who want to get to know one another better. It will promote the interaction between alumni members by providing […]


WEASA 2022 successfully concludes

The Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA) has concluded the nine day program on Monday July 18th. Read more about the 2022 edition here. During WEASA, nearly 40 participants from Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan states took part in workshops, panel discussions and fireside chats. The intense program examined the current state of the information war […]


WEASA2022 General Program is finalised

Good news! We are sharing with you the preliminary agenda for #WEASA2022. Slight changes still may occur, which will be communicated with you especially with the full list of speakers and short descriptions of each session. Here is the WEASA 2022 General Program Warm regards, WEASA Team


Alumni Opportunities at #WEASA2022

Dear Alumni, We are excited to announce this year during #WEASA2022 we have some very special opportunities for alumni to get involved presented below! * Become a WEASA 2022 Alumni Group Facilitator! What does a group facilitator do? This year, like last year, we will engage our alumni even more during the WEASA edition. We […]


Research: NGOs in Belarus before and after 2020

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the union countries obtained the possibility to get independent and choose another way of living: democracy. Unfortunately both in theory and in practice the change in regimes is not smooth and easy especially in the face of the rise of authoritarianism, which does not intend to give up […]


Basics of infographics: training and workshop for WEASA alumni members

Today more than ever the information flow is so huge that content consumers try to digest the obtained information as quickly as possible. At the same time, the content creators seek to make their content attractive to gain audience, sales revenues, and/or followers. Be it a journalist, a researcher or a communication or media person […]


WEASA Fellows selected!

We finally completed the tough selection process of the WEASA Fellowship Program. After careful consideration of the host institutions’ opinions, we selected two bright applications.   Here are the winning projects:  1. “Disinformation and migrants’ integration: the case of Poland”, Olena Shelest Szumilas, Ukraine  The aim of project is to study the problem of the […]


WEASA alumni produce new research on Cyberbullying

On January 31st 2022, three WEASA alumni members from different editions presented their research on cyberbullying in North Macedonia and Serbia. The valuable piece of the research caught the attention of the attendees, who shared their appreciation and feedback after the presentation, and demonstrated their deep interest in the topic. The research found out that […]


Cyberbullying in North Macedonia and in Serbia. research presentation

For the last decades, human behaviour has been modified due to internet access in many cases even crossing the red lines. One of these red lines is cyberbullying and harassment. The latest research shows that cyberbullying has become a serious issue in North Macedonia and in Serbia. Women and underaged girls suffer from cybercrime because […]


WEASA Launches Pilot Fellowship Program

With the support of the Polish American Freedom Foundation WEASA announces the launch of a pilot WEASA Fellowship Program! The long-awaited WEASA Fellowship Program aims to connect talented mid-career professionals, alumni of WEASA, who would like to pursue a specific project in the areas covered by WEASA (technology, digital and cyber security issues, politics and […]
